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Has It Been 4 Months? Wow!

These are the types of titles I noticed I give my other blogs, and now this one too. I am so sorry. Lord knows I have had a lot going on. I always just seem to not have enough time to do everything I want to. I need you Lord to guide me, show me what I must do, and stick to the plan. I have to admit, I have a hard time setting priorities, and if I do, I don’t stick with them. I seem to revert to my old ways and I dislike that so much about myself.

I have been working with reselling, that is how I make a little extra cash on the side. My husband bought a few hundred dollars worth of clothing from a store that was going out of business, so that is what I have been working on to sell. I also add things I have that I never used, mostly clothing. I have it over 4 different platforms to give myself more chances to sell.

I haven’t set appointments for my girls (cats) to have their yearly shots, with COVID I have been scared to take them. I sometimes feel that people might mistreat them if I am not in the room. I think I have seen too many videos on what people are capable of doing, but I honestly need to do that. Put their health first over what I am fearing. So that is another thing I have been putting off. I also need to make an eye appointment, I need a new prescription. My husband is the one that has to take me as we only have 1 car, we can’t really afford 2, well really it’s the insurance we can’t afford. It is crazy expensive here in Massachusetts. Arranging things around his schedule is what we have been doing. But as I mentioned, I am slacking or being scared or I don’t know what it is. It needs to be done is all I know.

I began this blog post at the beginning of the month and look here, we are past mid-December, it is almost Christmas in about 5 days, nothing has changed except I now added more stress to myself. I do that all the time. This blog just seems to be me complaining. I am so sorry Lord.

We will be spending Christmas with my sister-in-law and her family, that should be interesting. We recently have some topics come up in regards to her and her family. With my husband not spending a lot of time around them. He used to spend more when the kids were small but they are teens now and they don’t jump around him like they used to. And as he told her in a conversation, his life has changed he has a wife now and other priorities, but we are making the effort to visit, although that can always be done by them too, and not only put on us.

I don’t want to continue with my complaints but I suppose that is what my blog is for sometimes. Actually, I am wrong, I have this blog so that I can grow closer to God, and using it to express my dislikes in my life may not be the right thing. My dear Lord, you are such a forgiving loving father, please forgive me for any ill feelings I may have toward anyone.

I will end this post here, as it is way overdue. Thank you, Lord, for all you have done for me, and all you are doing for my family, and for helping me in ways to help my sister in her time of need. Please show my brother to have more compassion than he does for my sister. Guide my sister and her friend Anna on the right path. Help my family to grow closer to each other, and to look for you my Lord, to allow you into their lives and hearts.

My mother just came into my thoughts, I pray she is doing well and is with you dear Lord. Thank you for all you have done for me and my family. God bless the world and show them all the right path to you.

Merry Christmas, and don’t forget the Lord loves you.

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